AP Literature: Class of 2009

This is a creative autobiographical class project. You should respond to each of the writing prompts as a comment on the post. Please write your response to the prompt in Word first. Once you have a "final" draft that has been proofread, revised, and edited, copy it onto the blog as a comment.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh the places you've been...

Click the picture above for a link to the full text of Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Rewrite at least 20 lines of this story as Oh, the Places I've Been!
You have TWO choices for the topic of this piece of writing:
-Write from your present perspective, looking back at your years in high school
-Write from the perspective of your future self looking back at your years of college.
And YES...it has to rhyme.
Good Luck!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Book time - Part Three

Get together with your group. Then, get a copy of the instructions from me. Once you have completed the assignment, post your work as a comment.

Book time - Part Two

Write a reaction to the book as a whole. Your reaction must be exactly 400 words.

Book time - Part One

Choose a passage you liked or thought was important from the book you read.

Type the passage (keep it relatively short).

Write a brief explanation of your choice.

Monday, June 8, 2009

This is me

Choose an excerpt of song lyrics, poetry, or prose with which identify. Your choice should tell your audience something about who you are as a person. Please, BE APPROPRIATE. You do not have to explain your choice. It should just be.

Friday, June 5, 2009


class id: 2745986
password: cheese

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Book Update...again

What page are you up to?

What has happened in the book so far?

What part of the book did you like/dislike?

Next week, we will be meeting about the books. You should be DONE reading by Tuesday.
